Add THIS to your Garden to Attract the Butterflies

Not many creatures are as universally loved as butterflies. Their very presence brings an ethereal quality. And the only thing prettier than a butterfly is… a Zebra Longwing Butterfly!

If you live far enough south, like down here in Florida, you can lure those Zebra Longwing Butterflies into coming back by giving them some Spanish Moss to hang out on. Several of them will line up to share the same hanging string of Spanish Moss (which, by the way, is neither technically a moss nor is it native to Spain.)

If you live in a climate for it, the Spanish Moss will drape from the trees, allowing the light to dance through it while simultaneously keeping those Zebra Longwings fluttering about. If that doesn’t transform your space into a magical fairy garden, I don’t know what will.


This cactus-like succulent has ALL the flowers


The Backstory: How I Landed in my “Magic Fairy Garden”